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These solitary (except during mating season) animals can be active during the daytime, evening, and/or nighttime and are only active 45% - 49% of the time. Other than that, red pandas spend the rest of their time sleeping for an average of 15.2 hours per day. When they groom, they sit in a cat-like sitting posture to stretch, lick, and "wash" their face with their fore and hind paws. They also "wash" their legs, chest, flanks, tail, and genitals with a downward motion of their tongue. Their activity cycle varies throughout the year because their response to their environment depends on the temperatures and feeding opportunites. 


There were very few radio collar studies that were done on red pandas. However, based on a radio collar study that was done on a female red panda from February to November of 1984, there were evidence that showed the animal would often walk on fallen logs because it gave them easier access to bamboo leaves and would only pick one leaf at a time to eat.


Red pandas mark their territories by scent markings such as urine and feces that are rubbed against tree stumps and rocks and their trails are automatically marked due to secretion from the glands of the soles of their paws. Places that are marked by other red pandas are thoroughly sniffed and licked to make sure a red panda certainly did mark their territory.


Aggressive behavior among red pandas is rare, although it may be shown during mating season. Such behavior includes arching both their back and tail and slowly raising and lowering their head while making low intensified puffing sounds, jaw-clapping while shaking their head side-to-side, and standing on their hind legs to fight their opponent with their forepaws.


Among mating couples and cubs, they usually lunge, wrestle, and bite each other as a form of social play.


When red pandas communicate with each other, they do so by staring at each other if they are separated by a fair amount of distance. So far, seven distinct calls have been recorded. A whistle sound is a high frequency distress call made by cubs of under three months of age. A quack-snort are cautious bursts of sounds. This is made at a low frequency and it means there has been a threat during a conflict with another animal. As a defense, red pandas would usually raise one or both of their forepaws. A twitter is a moderate, high frequency sound that is heard during breeding season and is made by both sexes but more so by male red pandas. A squeal is another high frequency call that indicates that a red panda is under attack. A bleat is similar to a twitter, but it has a low frequency and a rapidly repeated syllable made during breeding season. An exhale is a prolonged, audible discharge of breath. Last but not least, a snort is a sudden, explosive exhalation that may be made when in contact with another animal.


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